FW: V8 taillights-proposed GP

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Sat Sep 29 09:20:47 EDT 2001

Per Lindgren <lindgre at online.no> wrote:

>The Avant is different, at least in p/n's. Dont know exactly what the
>diff is though, but I do know that the T44 Avant shares tail lights with
>the 85-87 T81/85. I also know that some T81 owners has installed the V8
>lights, by shortening the license plate recess.

The sedans have a wide recessed band running the length of the taillight 
assembly, which the Avants don't and when you put the Avant taillights in a 
sedan (or vice versa), they don't 'sit right' in the recess, and they're 
different in length from the sedan items.
Also, Avants have their release button/lock assembly below the light bar, 
which would be a problem when you fit Avant parts to a later sedan (or V8 
parts to an early sedan, for that matter).

Regards, Tom

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