Need some 4kq help

Dave Glubrecht daveglu at
Sun Sep 30 12:25:43 EDT 2001

But if the shifter is loose and no other diagnosis has been done, look under
the hood at the coupling on top of the trans.  This is a common wear item
and in quite a PIA location.  The problem I have seen several times is that
the ball on the linkage works loose from its cast bracket.  As I recall the
dealer will stock one and cost ~$70.00.
  Dave G

----- Original Message -----
From: ricematthews <ricematthews at>
To: <t44tq at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2001 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: Need some 4kq help

> Taka:
> Don't know about the shifter bushing, but I would doubt it would be that
> hard to do - if it's what I think you are talking about, you can probably
> it from inside the car by removing the shift boot and console.
> About the whine - if is RPM dependent, my guess would be a bad input shaft
> or input shaft bearing on the trans.  A problem with the diff or on the
> output side of the trans would tend to be ground speed dependent.
> -Mark
> *******************************************************
> Looking at a 4kq, I'm wondering what the cost/time would be
> to replace the shifter bushing on the tranny.
> Also, would a whine that is rpm dependent indicate a possible
> failing tranny or diff?
> Taka

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