
Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Sun Sep 30 22:13:56 EDT 2001

I have to admit I was wrong when I referred to my friend using Teflon on his
Ford. The product he used is called Oylon (sp?) and has better bushing
properties than Teflon, he says. He never heard of Delrin, neither have I
(except from on this list).

Sorry for the mix-up

92 Cabrio 2.3E

Alexander van Gerbig wrote:

>     I have a feeling that the Teflon bushings my German friend is so wild
> about are not pure PTFE(?).  They look exactly like Delrin bushings and I
> even have the suspicion it may just be a language barrier.  They may call
> them Teflon, but it may actually be Delrin or a mix.
> Thanks,
> Alexander van Gerbig -- '90 90q20v -- '88 80t (R.I.P)
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> http://www.uvm.edu/~avangerb/Eurobits.html
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