Battery question, continued

ricematthews ricematthews at
Mon Apr 1 00:00:04 EST 2002

Ditto Jim's sentiment.
Motorcycle batteries tend to have relatively short lives as bikes tend to
sit for 6 to 9 months of the year.
If you want to be sure about the battery, most Pep Boys, Sears, etc. can
load test a battery for you if you take it in after you charge it up.  Odds
are however that it's dead.
-Mark Rice


Just replace it.  If it holds a charge that poorly, its too unreliable to
be trusted.  And a decent 12V battery can usually be had for around $30.


On Sun, 31 Mar 2002 McLoffs at wrote:

> I hate it when I hit "enter" before actually finishing my e-mail.
> Anyway, as I started saying, I'm getting my motorcycle out of storage for
> spring, and am having some starting troubles. I think it's the battery. I
> took the battery out last week, topped off the water, and put it on the
> trickle charger. When it was done Friday, it was showing nearly 15 volts.
> checked it again today (it had just been sitting on the workbench, not
> attached to anything) and it's down to barely over 12 volts. I hooked it
> and the battery alone won't get the bike started -- have to jump it.
> Am I correct in assuming the battery is ready for replacement? It's about
> three years old.
> Thanks for your help, and thanks for putting up with a non-Audi question.
> -Mike McLaughlin

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