200q20v still not starting...Hall sensor testing?

Richard J. Andrews tech at flashmail.com
Mon Apr 1 11:13:35 EST 2002

check that your distributor is turning if the plastic gear sheared it will
produce the hall sensor code.

At 10:36 AM 4/1/02, you wrote:
>It's me again :-)
>I just repaired temporarily the intercooler with JB Weld because the inlet
>endtank was cracked and had a nice false air intake in it...so no more air
>mass and O2 sensor codes but "Idle switch" and "Hall sensor" codes are
>still present... I'll degrease the distributor as well as I'll be able to
>tomorrow with brake cleaner and give it another try.... I also had an RPM
>sensor code wich, I suppose, could be there because of the  no-start
>condition, am I right? Shouldn't I also get the Crank Position sensor code
>in these conditions?
>Does anyone know how to test a Hall sensor? How should I measure it, test
>it with a LED, etc???
>Thanks for your help, the IC was indeed one of the main culprits....
>Regards from sunny Belgium,
>'85 Coupe quattro
>'90 200q20v cranking over but not starting yet :((((

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