K24 turbo upgrade report

Tony Lum tlum at flash.net
Mon Apr 1 11:11:02 EST 2002

Subject: 1987 5kcstq, 125K miles, rebuilt K24 with stock OEM exhaust, 1.8
bar (sjm spring, qlcc chip)

Well, I've been running this combo for about 2 weeks now, and its feels
pretty good.  Like QshipQ stated, the K24 makes the 2.2 I5 feel like a
V8.  Used to be pretty gutless below 3000 and now the power band starts at
1900-2000 rpm.  MPG is a very respectable 24-26, which is down slightly
from the 26-28 I recalled averaging.  Very acceptable trade-off.

Now normally, I drive pretty conservatively (after a rash of tickets in
early 90's) but last Thursday, one of those Mitsu Eclipses was begging for
it rapidly zigzagging in and out of light traffic.  Well we ended up
stopped at the same light and I thought, oh why not?  I gave him a car
length at the signal, by second gear I'd reached his bumper and by third,
it was good bye!

Now that was fun.  Must now resist temptation to run everybody over ;-)


- Tony
lots of I-5 Audis

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