Tie Rod Issues

Richard J. Andrews tech at flashmail.com
Mon Apr 1 20:49:32 EST 2002

larger tie rod end as i recalled might be wrong though...
this is why i used the 90q tie rod it was already bent.
looks like it would clear a wastegate but again could be wrong.

At 03:33 PM 4/1/02, you wrote:
>         The R side UrQ rod has a bend in it to clear some turbo plumbing.
>Would a 4kq rod clear OK?  Why would you need a 5ktq vs a 4kq rod end?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard J. Andrews [mailto:tech at flashmail.com]
>Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 1:38 PM
>To: audi90sq at yahoo.com
>Cc: quattro at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: Tie Rod Issues
>looks like they are a lot more for the urq, looks like your could use a 4kq
>tie rod with a 5ktq tie rod end.
>someone else might have a BTDT,
>i'm using 90 quattro tie rods on my 4000q.
>'86 4kq
>At 01:57 PM 4/1/02, you wrote:
> >In my never ending quest to remove the clunk and play
> >from my 83' UrQ's steering, I think I am down to the
> >tie rods. I already did the steering rack, ball-joints
> >and strut bearings.  Is there any alternative to
> >forking out the $300 Blau wants for two new tie rods?
> >Anybody mange to fix/re-condition theirs?  I am not
> >that excited about that cost.  Any thoughts?  Thanks
> >
> >Eric Harten
> >
> >
> >
> >=====
> >Eric Harten
> >
> >83' UrQ
> >95' 90SQ
> >01' A4Q
> >
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