exhaust measurement...

Dave Hord spokes at mail.the-wire.com
Tue Apr 2 22:24:05 EST 2002

High all...I need a hand, my car is in the shop getting it's frame pulled
out...and I can't find my spare rear muffler.

Would anyone be willing to measure the rear muffler for me?

I need to know the measurement from the inlet to the outlet on the rear
muffler.  The measurement will be an angle across the can.  The distance is
point A to point B in the first picture (top of page):


I measured it before at roughly 12"...but I need to confirm that this is truely
the case.  Anyone have a muffler they can measure?

Any 1988-1991 Audi 90/80 quattro with a stock muffler will do.


89 90q  300km+ Rally Conversion in High Gear...
(sometimes it helps to hit trees??)

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