K-Jet Conversion

Brian Mole mole at ntlworld.com
Thu Apr 4 21:20:00 EST 2002

After 2 weeks successful testing, I thought I'd share my latest
K-Jet adventure. My type 2.2 '89 coupe was idling too high so,
having wasted too much time trying to diagnose the problem
(duff ISV, I think) I swapped the system for parts from a
2-litre (5cyl) '86 coupe I found in a local breakers (cheaper than
an ISV). I changed the following:-

Plenum chamber (tappings are different and holds aux air valve).
Intake boot (again, different holes, different places).
Rubber 'T' piece that held ISV and is part of crankase vent system.

Initially, I wanted to swap the throttle body but the replacement
did not have a tapping for the distributor vac advance (does
anybody know how the 2-litre dizzy got it's feed?) so I retained
the original.
At this stage, I was convinced the car would not even run
as all I did with the ISV electrics was unplug them. Car started
first turn and idled at 1100rpm. Idle did not drop as the car
warmed (I had no wiring for the aux air valve) so I shut off
and wired it in parallel to the warm-up regulator, engine
re-started and after a couple of minutes I had a smooth 900
rpm idle without even touching the mixture screw.
2 weeks later and all is *very* well. Car starts quicker when cold,
has all it's power and idles smoothly when warm.
An added bonus is that the tendency for the revs to 'hang'
between gears has disappeared (whether this was due to
my duff ISV or is generic is questionable). Also, when started
from warm, the car used to jump to 2000rpm and hold there
for a few seconds; goes straight to 900 now. What have I lost
by dumping the ISV? This all seems too easy to be true.


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