driving fast

Burl Vibert blur at sympatico.ca
Thu Apr 4 15:39:43 EST 2002

Dave Hord wrote:
> Two summers ago I took my stock 1989 90 quattro up to my fastest speed ever...
> Beautiful summer day, empty highway, great visibility...
> Brought it up to just over 215km/h...about 217km/h...speedometer was still
> climbing, but at about 2km/h per kilometer.
> Now that I've started to really rally the car, and solo II it...I just find the
> whole speed on paved roads boring.

Hi Dave

Have you solo2'd before, I haven't seen you at any before?  Are you
going to run in the Ontario Regional series?  If so, I'm supposed to
be Chief Organizer of the first event.  If anyone else in Ontario
quattroland is interested this is a good place to start.

> Had to do it once, you know...be young and stupid...tack it up on my imaginary
> wall of 'personal achievements'.
> But, I honestly don't think I'd do it again unless it was legal (Autobahn?).
> Hey...wait a second...is this going to be in the archives!?!

Yes, in the archives forever for your insurance company to look up.  I
wonder if the cops can get you for confessing to a crime as well?  ;-)

Burl Vibert
1987 5kcstq
Kingston, Ontario

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