driving fast 2.7tt???

Fri Apr 5 12:16:35 EST 2002

well you can believe what you like but is it that hard to understand that a car with about 230ish hp and that weighs about 3,100 lbs(13.4lb/hp) might be faster than a car with 250hp and weighs almost 3,600(14.4lb/hp)?? thats for a manual S4 the auto is even heavier. I am guessing as to the weight of my car it might be closer to 3000 lbs and the hp # is anybody's guess. based on the cars that I been up against on the street and track I probably have a little more than 230...maybe

I don't want this to turn into a mine is bigger than yours debate.
I run into this every time my car is at the track, all the new Audi owners look at it as if it is a piece of junk "oh its a 10v" kind of attitude until they see it on the track, usually passing them, then later in the day its "oh cool car, you must have a lot of stuff done to it"  sad thing is that I never get that kind of attitude at porsche drivers ed events. they all seem to love the car and get a kick out of how a big 4 door sedan can keep up with and is faster than some of their sports cars =)
I love the newer cars they seem to do everything and do it very well. my car on the other hand is more of a track car and that what I use it for.

just stating what I have personally observed,


>>> Brad Wilson <dotnetguy at pobox.com> 04/05/02 11:04AM >>>
Michael Guidotti wrote:

> my chiped 5KTQ is faster than a stock S4 and BMW 540i I raced both cars
> while in motion (I will not race anyone from a standing start)

*snicker* You can't race anyone from a standing start except a pedestrian.
;) Seriously, I owned a chipped 5k and an A6 manual, and although my
experiences are colored by altitude, I find it hard to believe that you
walked away from an S4tt manual. My A6 is god-awful fast at any speed
(especially rolling), and the S4 even more so.

Best regards,

2000 A6 2.7 biturbo quattro   http://www.quality.nu/bradw/audi/
2 turbos, 1 driver ... no limits

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