Timing belts/tensioners

tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Fri Apr 5 10:57:12 EST 2002

>Word to the wise... if you own one of these engines and don't have a
>record of when the belt was last changed, by all means get
>it replaced.
Thanks for the warning, Rolf.  I really appreciate it.  I have a "record"
on my wife's 1999 Beetle 2.0 that it hasn's been checked ;-(  and the car
has 130, 000 + km.  The Canadian dealer (Edmonton, AB) told me 160,000 km
is the time to change it.

>I've also seen problems with those stupid auto tensioners.  I've >swapped
them out on 2.0 liter jetta's in favor of the old manual adj.

I need some clarification as I haven't done one of these.  Do I order a
manual tensioner and for what year for that Beetle 2.0?  And does it fit
spot on or what?  Then, do I need a tensioning tool or go 90 degree twist?


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