4KQ semi-rally suspension....

Dave Hord spokes at mail.the-wire.com
Fri Apr 5 23:56:44 EST 2002


_This_ is a question that I can answer!  First off...check out my website.
It's a little sparse at the moment, but there is a LOT of info that I need
to put up as soon as exams start.


Now, I'll try and offer some insight into your questions...

 >I'm a first time poster and have just taken posession of an 85 4KQ.
Eventually >the plan is to rally, but in the mean time, I'm interested in
making it the >mountainbike/dog transporter and forest road runner.

Okay...everyone and they're grandmother will tell you that you shouldn't
build your first rally car...that you should buy a built one.  I said
"screw that" and my car is the 'rally-car in progress'.  Two points:  1)
It's been a 'work in progress' for two years...I suspect another year and a
half.  It's faster to buy a built car.  2) it's far cheaper to buy a car
already pre-built.  Sorry...can't argue this one.  Except, well...it's a
heck of a lot LESS fun!!

 >Coupe GT springs on the front will add about 2" of ground clearance, plus
add >some oversteer. So far, this is the path I'm looking to take but I'm
wondering >about what sort of struts I should use for this application.

The springs sound okay for TSD rallying...the beginning level of rallying.
They will NOT be suitable for rally-sprints or 'driving oriented
TSD's'.  They will CERTAINLY not be up to performance rallying!

Ask me how I know?

Rallysprint August 2001 -> Bottomed out the front.  Lost the front bumper,
4 fog lights, and various other bits and pieces. Cost $500.

Ontario Winter Rally 2002 -> Bottomed out MULTIPLE times.  various things
damaged...sorta lost track of the list when we hit the black ice and ended
up in the woods!  Currently in re-build mode....

 >I would like to fit Konis, since I can get them cheap.

There is a reason you can get Konis cheap.  They have no place in a rally
car.  I can't vouch for they're ability to function well in a ROAD
car.  But Ask Ray Felice (North American Champion Navigator
2001...P3?).  He had an Audi with Koni's in it...blew them in one rally I
believe. He was telling me about them on teh phone last week. Not the only
account of Koni failures I've heard of.

 >I don't want a full on rally suspension, but being able to travel along
forest roads >without bottoming out is important.

If this is the case...I'd suggest Bilsteins, perhaps re-valved,
initially.  And add a coil-over set when you can afford it.  The nice part
about coil-overs is that you can specifiy the spring rate you
want...stiffer then stock, but not 'full rally'.

 >I'm also looking for information on a good skidplate design as well. Any
help is >appreciated.

When I get mine back from the fab-shop that's straightening it for
me...I'll post some pics on my website.



Thanks! Mark Kingsbury

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