Audi 100q 91 5-cylinder - Poor gas mileage

Ray Rollins rollins_ray at
Sat Apr 6 18:03:29 EST 2002

Something is deffinatly wrong with your 100q. My 90 100q is most powerful
from 1200 to 3000rpm and gets 18 city 25 hwy. I would start with the O2
sensor and then check your vacume leaks. These N/A I5's are aren't fast but
they are low maintence and much more reliable than the turbos as daily

90 100Q

>From: pasquale pilato <pasqualep99 at>
>To: Ralph Rocco <rrock42 at>
>CC: quattro at
>Subject: Re: Audi 100q 91 5-cylinder - Poor gas mileage
>Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 07:08:12 -0800 (PST)
>hello all,
>I have a 1990 100q, same engine as Mr. rocco and my
>car has the same symptions.  In first gear there is
>nothing below 2400 rpm, and I think that for such a
>low-performance and small engine I'm at the pump often
>with the 93 octane in my hand, in CT now its close to
>1.75/gallon.  My problem is I do not have the trip
>computer, and my odometer is broken.  I use almost a
>1/3 of a tank to go to NYC and back, about 110 miles.
>And I would say I have more of an steel alloy right
>foot, rather than 100% lead.  I changed the entire
>exhaust including the cat but kept the same O2 sensor.
>  I was thinking about a tune up (its been 20k miles)
>but I learned with cars when you go messing around
>with things that work, you (me) make things worse.  I
>guess my question is the same as rocco, is the car
>heavy, old and inefficient, or does this sound like
>something (plugs, O2 sensor???) needs to be looked at,
>What is the group MPG for this car.  I heard of the
>turbo cars getting better mpg than mine.  thanks
>100q loves ultra.
>--- Ti Kan <ti at> wrote:
> > Ralph Rocco writes:
> > > 165k mileage.  Getting ~14 mpg according to
> > computer.
> > > What should be checked ?
> > > Weak pick-up/power in 1st gear ?
> >
> > Could the computer be giving you a false reading?
> > Try filling up a tankful
> > of fuel, and reset your trip odometer at the same
> > time.  Then, at the
> > next fillup, look at the amount of fuel you have to
> > add.  The actual
> > mileage will be that amount divided by the number of
> > miles indicated on
> > your trip odometer.
> >
> > If your car is really acting like a gas guzzler and
> > your driving situation
> > doesn't reflect that (i.e. you are not a leadfoot
> > and not all the mileage
> > is in stop/go city traffic), then the first thing
> > I'd check is the oxygen
> > sensor.  That is the number one cause of over-rich
> > running conditions.
> >
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