CGT no start

Richard J. Andrews tech at
Sat Apr 6 22:44:17 EST 2002

he could always push start it to get it to where you can check it out better...
yes, it could be solenoid or the ground strap from starter to solenoid.

'86 4kq
At 10:18 PM 4/6/02, you wrote:
>My brother's '86 CGT is pulling the no start routine. Unlike in previous
>episodes (bad fuel pump relay, fouled spark plugs, etc), the car does not
>crank at all. All lights work fine, and the voltage gauge in the center
>console reads ~12V. Starter does not click or do anything at all when the
>key is turned. Archives basically say its either the starter, solenoid,
>ignition switch or starter relay. I had driven the car earlier today, and
>everything was fine (brother also says nothing out of the ordinary in
>starting the car of late either). Is the best way to diagnose this problem
>to run 12V from the battery to the solenoid and attempt to "jump start"
>the car? Car is not at home, and need a quick way to diagnose this
>problem. TIA.
>'92 100S (97k)
>'86 CGT (207k)

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