CGT no start

Huw Powell human747 at
Sun Apr 7 00:34:21 EST 2002

> My brother's '86 CGT is pulling the no start routine. Unlike in previous episodes (bad fuel pump relay, fouled spark plugs, etc), the car does not crank at all. All lights work fine, and the voltage gauge in the center console reads ~12V. Starter does not click or do anything at all when the key is turned.

heh, megans' 4kq stopped starting last night, click only, then less.
push started it to get it here, electrical weirdness on the way over...

> Is the best way to diagnose this problem to run 12V from the battery to the solenoid and attempt to "jump start" the car? Car is not at home, and need a quick way to diagnose this problem. TIA.

first I observed the large glob of corrosion on the positive battery
terminal, then I did what you suggest.  Easy to do - just pull the upper
small wire off the starter, put on a short jumper and touch the jump
wire to the big bolt on the starter, which is 12v from the battery.

"Huw Huw there's smoke coming from the battery area" (that would be the
muncka corrosion heating up) as the starter half clicks, thunks, and
basically refuses to cooperate.

One battery terminal cleaning lesson later and the car starts again.
Cancel order for new starter.

Huw Powell

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