4kq spoiler on type44 - pics

JordanVw at aol.com JordanVw at aol.com
Sun Apr 7 15:47:21 EDT 2002

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In a message dated 4/5/02 4:29:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
AudiV8 at 1stchoicegranite.com writes:

> Chris Semple and I were discussing the potential for this fit. Do you have
> any pictures of a 4K spoiler fit to a T44? That's about the closest I'll
> come to a DTM spoiler methinks.....

you can use the '85-'87 4kq rear spoiler on the type44
i got pics if anyone wants to see a rear spoiler from a '86 4kq on my '86 5kTQ

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