Hard warm starting

Bernard Littau bernardl at acumenassociates.com
Mon Apr 8 11:13:51 EDT 2002

The 5ktq series has a fuel accumulator.  The fuel accumulator is what helps
keep the fuel pressure up when the car is off.  Both the fuel accumulator
and the check valve need to be functioning correctly for the fuel pressure
to stay up there.

If the 90q20v has a fuel accumulator, I would suggest you replace it.


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA

> Now I'm getting stumped. Patient is our lovely '91 90q20v. Problem is hard
> starting when warm. First start in the morning, beautiful. No problems.
> Drive around, all is good. Stop, get out, swing into Taco Bell and eat
> lunch in. Come out, hard start. 5 seconds or more.
> So, investigating I found several problems that could have been it, and
> fixed them all.
> 1) Fuel line leaks. Lots 'o leaks around the clips. Man, that was ugly.
> 2) Replaced 4 of the 5 injectors. Cracked, dead, and ugly.
> 3) Replaced fuel pump check valve and fuel filter. Check valve looked
>    somewhat okay, but who knows.
> 4) Replaced plugs today with F6DTC. Just part of the tune-up for spring.
> All this has resulted in no improvements. Well, maybe a few seconds less,
> but still, it's hiiiighly annoying. Please, any thoughts?

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