Audi Vs. Honda....Honda looses.

Darrell Adams adamsdr at
Tue Apr 9 10:17:54 EDT 2002

Scott wrote......

> So I get a ticket for Impeding Traffic. Even though I was doing 30-40 MPH
> hen the accident occured.....

I believe there are some new things like this in Colorado, not that I've
ever seen or heard of them being enforced  I believe the concept is based
off of road rage.   If someone is following too close and you slam on your
brakes, that IS an act of aggression. Even though they should not have been
following too close, you are the one that caused the accident.
Also, on mountain roads here you are required by law to pull over if you
have three or more cars stacked behind you. (I wish they would enforce
this)  and they now can pull you over for impeding traffic if you are
diving slower than TRAFFIC SPEED (speed limit aside) in the left lane.
Again, while I read the news that this was in effect, I've never seen or
heard of it enforced.

The attitude of 'I'm doing the speed limit, I don't have to go faster' can
cause accidents.   Too many people are trying to be the traffic police.

please pass on left
slower traffic keep right
please stop at stop signs and lights, and please, please go when its green
please be courteous of other drivers.

ok, just had to get that out.

Darrell Adams
SAP Infrastructure Support
System Administration

"Forgive me for speeding, but I scare myself when I'm driving slow....."

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