possible car seller problem

Michael Riebs AudiV8 at 1stchoicegranite.com
Tue Apr 9 20:28:07 EDT 2002

Well, my suggestions would be:

#1) to go to a different license branch with only the pink slip from the
previous owner - no mention about the guy from whom you bought it, and see
if that works.

#2) how far are you from the CA border? Step over the border, get the car
registered to you - with a CA title, and when you return to AZ, the car is
already yours, and you can now get it registered there.

#3) Get in touch with the pink slip signer, and have that guy sign the
agreement with the notarized signature. He *should* feel comfortable signing
it - if the paper does not show the name of the buyer, but rather is just a
generic "yes, I have sold this car for this amount" type deal.

#4) Try a different state. Many states don't require all that stuff.
Perhaps, if you know someone in a different state, mail the pink slip, the
bill of sale, and a new bill of sale, selling the car to your friend, have
that person register in that state, then sign the AZ papers with the friend
as the seller, and you as the buyer, mail everything back to you, and you
ought to be set.

#5) Start crying over a deal gone bad...

I'd volunteer to be the guy in #4, but it should be someone you trust, since
in essence you're signing over the auto to that friend - and he/she could
come claim the car, in theory. Also #4 is probably going to cost you a bit
in registration taxes. Probably ditto with #2, but if you want the car
driving / registered in your name... I guess a few extra bucks aren't as bad
a loss as what you've already paid...

Michael Riebs
Grand Rapids, MI
'90 V8Q
'98 A6QA


----- Original Message -----
From: <auditude at get.net>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 4:18 PM
Subject: possible car seller problem

> Check out this development.
> I bought a Coupe GT from a guy in Cali.  Drove it home to AZ.
> The seller gave me a signed pink slip from the owner prior to him.  He
also gave me
> a bill of sale from himself, which wasn't notarized.
> The AZ MVD is requiring a notarized release of liability from the seller.
They gave
> me the form that they want filled out.
> I contacted the seller yesterday to arrange to have him send me a
notarized release
> of liability.  He said to call back today so he could give me a fax number
to send the
> form to.
> Today, his cell phone account (my only contact number) has been set to
"not accept
> incoming calls".  I sent a text message, which ATT said would still go
through, and
> am now waiting.
> I have what may be his home address, and if I was driving over there, I
would be
> able to find his work address as well.
> If I have to return to California to get this straightened out, I will.
> Any suggestions on how to proceed?  I'm trying to geti nformation about
both the
> prior owner and the seller.
> Thanks,
> Ken

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