driving fast (what's the fastest you've gone in a car)
type44_5k at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 9 22:34:33 EDT 2002
Nice one. The real kicker is that the bike wasn't
mine, and I only have my temporary motorcycle permit
(no actual license). But that was the ride of my
life. Thanks for sharing Steve.
--- Steve Jensen <sjensen at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Hee hee hee.
> I hit a seagull at 10 o'clock at night while doing
> 80 mph on my old Kawasaki
> KZ 750 four cylinder. I was doing the 'one long
> haul tenhour ride from
> Atlanta to Cape Hatteras' run coming back from
> leave, and I was dog tired.
> The aerial rat (seagull) was munching on some
> roadkill, and when he saw me
> he took off and flew in a direction that was with
> the direction of the road,
> not across it. So the closure rate was at least 65
> to 70 mph.
> When I saw he wasn't going to veer off the roadway
> (and he was at chest
> height), I got down and hugged the tank as hard as I
> could but didn't hit
> the brakes - just rolled off the throttle. The
> seagull smashed into me
> square in the helmet and knocked me back pretty
> hard, then he tumbled over
> the top of my helmet and bounced off the road dead
> as h*ll.
> The guys at the Coast Guard group office begged me
> to paint a small seagull
> on the side of the tank, much like the WWII fighter
> pilots did with their
> victories.
> Ah, the joys of street biking...
> Thought I would share.
> Steve
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jason" <type44_5k at yahoo.com>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 11:12 AM
> Subject: Re: driving fast (what's the fastest you've
> gone in a car)
> >
> > Speaking of 5000's, my top speed in an Audi is 135
> in
> > my 87 turbo quattro. 280K+ miles on it. To be
> > honest, an out of balanced wheel at that speed can
> be
> > a little intimidating. (I know) Fastest ever was
> 146
> > on a Yamaha R6. That was fun, but I vow never to
> do
> > it again. What would hitting a squirrel at that
> speed
> > do to me, let alone the squirrel? Yikes.
> >
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