flared fenders revisited

Jason type44_5k at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 10 08:45:46 EDT 2002

Since I have some extra $$$$ sitting around, I figured
I am going to start up project money pit (5KTQ) again.
 I just can't get enough of that car :)  But in
dissecting everything I want to do to it, I realize
that I'm gonna need some some real fenders.  I can get
my hands on some used fenders for the car for almost
nothing, so I was wondering, why not throw together a
fiberglass fender lip?  Does anyone have any
experience w/ fiberglass?  I've patched a boat w/ the
stuff once before, so I'm not completely over my head.
 Maybe just a little insane:)  Any thoughts?  Or
should I save my hard earned money for an S4?


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