Need springs advice

Gary Bracken gbracken at
Wed Apr 10 16:22:32 EDT 2002

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Dear listers

Well, I'm finally back in an Audi (hooray!) after going without one for 4 y=
ears.  Purchased a '94 S4 (Pearl White/Black leather) from KAR of MN.  It a=
rrived by truck here in Denver last Saturday, and I'm happy to say it was a=
s described.  Not flawless, but at 48k miles, pretty close.

Now I need some advice from those of you who have BTDT.  The car is lowered=
 with ABT springs.  Looks great with its 17" wheels, but has two problems r=
elated to our rain dips, speed bumps and potholes.  One, it simply doesn't =
have enough clearance for the front air dam.  I've been extremely careful a=
nd have already scraped (slightly) the front twice on mild rain dips (conca=
ve depressions at intersections).

Problem #2 is too stiff a ride for the conditions named above, especially p=
otholes -- which we seem to have in abundance year-round in the Denver area.

Sooooooooo -- I would like to know if there are springs available that woul=
d raise the S4 a bit without going all the way to stock springs.  Or any ot=
her suggestions you may have to address the clearance and stiffness issues.

Also, anyone want to trade for or purchase my ABT springs?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Gary Bracken
Lakewood, CO
94 S4
98 Forester
74 260Z V8

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