Looking to buy '90-'91 200 turbo or '92 S4

Michael Gough mdg3369 at mac.com
Wed Apr 10 16:22:14 EDT 2002

> there is quite a difference between the '90-'91 200 turbo and the '93 S4 (i
> think you meant '93, not '92)
Why didn't he mean '92????

>  the 200 turbo is front wheel drive automatic
> 10v turbo
There are plenty of 200 Quattro 5 speeds too though....
And also plenty of Quattro 5 speeds with a 20v turbo.....

> and the S4 is quattro all wheel drive 5 speed 20v turbo..   also a
> big difference in price...
You're right on this part.

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