flared fenders revisited

Joseph Rae quattro at centurytel.net
Wed Apr 10 17:27:54 EDT 2002

There was a guy a few years ago, (4, or 5) that was adding flared
fenders out of composite to the fenders of his 200. I believe that he
was preparing the car for one lap of America? He was local to me,
Seattle Area, and his website was hosted on the University of Washington
Website, but he has since disappeared and his website is no longer up as
well. From what he had it looked like it was going to come out really
well, Never did see the finished product.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Jason
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 7:46 AM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: flared fenders revisited

Since I have some extra $$$$ sitting around, I figured
I am going to start up project money pit (5KTQ) again.
 I just can't get enough of that car :)  But in
dissecting everything I want to do to it, I realize
that I'm gonna need some some real fenders.  I can get
my hands on some used fenders for the car for almost
nothing, so I was wondering, why not throw together a fiberglass fender
lip?  Does anyone have any experience w/ fiberglass?  I've patched a
boat w/ the stuff once before, so I'm not completely over my head.
Maybe just a little insane:)  Any thoughts?  Or should I save my hard
earned money for an S4?


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