Auto boxes

Robert Myers robert at
Thu Apr 11 20:29:50 EDT 2002

I'm afraid you're probably right, Ed.

A few years back one of our neighbors said to my wife, "Bob won't let you
drive the car, will he?".

My better half responded, "Huh?  Why not?"

He said, "He told me it had a manual transmission."

She said, "What's that have to do with it?"

His assumption was simply that because the car had a manual tranny that my
wife was unable to drive it.  :-(  This is my hotrod wife who sometimes
blows past obnoxious PITAs just out of annoyance.  The same one who got
stopped for speeding last week.  Also the same one who talked her way out
of a ticket at that time.  :-)

At 10:43 AM 4/11/02, ccohen5 wrote:

>It is interesting that as enthusiastic an auto geek as one has to be to even
>read this list, there are still so many that do not understand how small a
>minority we are.  Your comments are particularly relevant to the US drivers
>of course where 10 mp small gallon hefting 3 plus tons to the shopping mall
>2 miles away, is a daily event.
>""""IMHO, automatic transmission is what the general public motorist wants.
>Imagine him/her trying to shift gears driving while using the cellphone and
>drinking a cup of coffee!
>Ed Birch.....93-100S
>(Ride a motorcycle.....view bad driving first hand)
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  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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