QLCC upgrade for Mac-14

Jesse A Clendenning AWDAudi at Excite.com
Fri Apr 12 01:32:45 EDT 2002

No problem, I just wanted to be sure.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Swanson" <mswanson at mswanson.com>
To: "Jesse A Clendenning" <AWDAudi at Excite.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: QLCC upgrade for Mac-14

> > I'm sorry, I was under the impression that the QLCC code was for the
> > MAC-11
> correct.
> > , which I have, and it was not officially available for the MAC-14.
> > Right?
> I must have misunderstood your email.  From the sound of it you HAD a MAC
> and wanted a chip upgrade and someone offered the QLCC code (MAC 11).. it
> just sounded like you might have been making a bad assumption that they
> compatible.
> Sorry for the confusion
> -Marc-
> 87 4ktq
> 88 90q

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