Michael L. Riebs audiv8 at 1stchoicegranite.com
Fri Apr 12 12:24:42 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Payne" <quattro at isham-research.com>

> > Oh, btw, the grandest of all individual list post totals (including
> > and Mime):  Phil Payne's 6970 posts shares no equal.  My paltry 4200
> > compares...
> I thought we recently decided someone else on the list had more time on
their hands than I?

Perhaps your cellular posts were overlooked?!? Maybe there needs to be a
re-count of the ballets, before a final winner can be announced? How does
Huw feel about this? Are we now in for a lengthy court battle? I mean, if
Huw is enjoying the 30+ extra Bhp the Audifans E-mail address adds to his
ride, he may not be so willing to just admit that Phil actually "does" have
more postings than he...

Michael L. Riebs

'90 V8Q
'98 A6QA

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