A challenge to Scott J, and an Audifans Fundraiser
Robert Myers
robert at s-cars.org
Sat Apr 13 02:44:37 EDT 2002
My God, Dan! I almost can't imagine life without the quattro list! Please
don't take any action which might cause me to undergo withdrawal pains.
The camaraderie and good will of the list members as a whole is exemplary
of absolutely the best of the Internet. Yes, from time to time there are
those of us who tend to behave a bit like spoiled children (perhaps myself
among them) but overall this group of fine folk has proven to be almost the
most valuable source of friendship and expertise and helpfulness and
technical assistance and humor and everything else which makes the time I
spend reading my mail worthwhile. I have met, face to face, a large number
of active list members at a variety of events which I most likely would
never have experienced without the quattro list and my participation in
it. I have also "met" a much larger group of fine folk whose faces I have
never seen who I consider to be good friends in almost every other sense of
the word. Let's keep this good thing going, friends.
At 08:56 PM 4/12/02, Dan Simoes wrote:
> > I would hope that others would join in with donations, if nothing else,
> > just to help out Dan, and help him keep this list running.
> > I would ask both of you do help me help Dan. If you don't want to lose
> > face, just do it so he can get the money.
>I hate to tell you Greg, but I don't think either party is going to
>comply. I've already asked Phil to reconsider, there's not much else I
>can do.
>I don't think I'll be needing the money either.
>Frankly, this whole affair has me taking a hard look at the future of
>the lists. Perhaps the care and feeding of older Audis has reached a
>saturation point, and what needed to be said has been said?
>Future owners of ratty A6 2.7tt and A8s will just have to fend for
>As far as the people...
>At one time I was proud of what was here, but I'm not so sure anymore.
>It seems that I can't spare enough time to actively police the list, and
>that members are incapable of behaving themselves, so if someone wants
>to assume the mantle, I'm listening.
>| Dan |
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Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
'95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244
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