calling 90q gurus....

Jouko Haapanen joukoh at
Sat Apr 13 08:18:34 EDT 2002

Looking at the Motorkennbuchstaben book edition 11/2000 printed by
Volkswagen AG:

NF 100kW/136hp, 2.3L
	08/86-12/90 Audi 100
	10/86-12/90 Audi 100 "Aus"
	08/86-12/90 Audi 100 "J.."

NG 98kW/133hp, 2.3L
	06/91-07/94 Audi Cabrio
	08/86-07/94 Audi Coupe
	09/91-11/94 Audi 80
	04/87-12/91 Audi 90

According to this, there is a 2kW difference....

Jouko Haapanen

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Mihnea Cotet
Sent: April 13, 2002 07:06
To: Tom Nas; quattro at
Cc: alan pritchard
Subject: Re: calling 90q gurus....

At 09:35 13/04/2002 +0200, Tom Nas wrote:
>Mihnea Cotet <mik at> wrote:
>>Well, it could be that, furthermore the NG is slightly less powerful than
>>the KV AFAIK (133BHP VS 136) so if you have a KV in your CGT, the 90q
>>should feel less "nervous" but drive well as well...
>Depends on the car the NG is from, Mihnea. My '88 90q w/NG makes 136 hp.
>Ignition timing has a great impact on how your car feels and drives. Maybe
>Alan's is off?

Hmmm, I'm afraid I have to argue with you, Tom, the catted' NG/NF engines
always made 133HP DIN...I'm 100% positive about that! The swiss '87 Coupe
GT and coupe quattros that had the NG used to put out 133 HP DIN as well!
No offense intended though :-) but ignition timing has to do with HP of if his timing is set to 3 degs BTDC, no wonder why the car runs
like crap :-)


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