New problems - A4 2.8 30V

ricematthews ricematthews at
Sat Apr 13 13:36:29 EDT 2002

I actually haven't had it out yet during the day to check, but by the smell
I really don't think that it's either coolant or oil - I know it sounds

----- Original Message -----
From: <cactus at>
To: "ricematthews" <ricematthews at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: New problems - A4 2.8 30V

> What's the color of the smoke?
> White = Coolant
> Blue = Oil
> WEi
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "ricematthews" <ricematthews at>
> To: <quattro at>
> Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 7:40 AM
> Subject: New problems - A4 2.8 30V
> > Time for an update......
> > The patient:  '98 A4 Avant Quattro 2.8 30v
> >
> > The first issue was the timing belt/water pump (also thermostat, rollers
> > serpentine belt).  The dealer told me that
> > they recommend 60,000 miles for this service, even though the manual
> > 90,000.  The car has about 74,000.  When I took it in to the dealer to
> > this work, I had a long list of potential warranty issues to have
> > out before my Audi Assured Warranty runs out in another 1,000 miles or
> >
> > Included in the list were leaks in several areas of the engine, in the
> rear
> > diff seals, and at the PS pump.  Also low idle (about 650-700 rpm -
> > fluctuation - as shown on the tach) and a "rattling" noise on cold start
> up
> > (possible cam adjusters?).
> >
> > After 4 days in the shop, I got it back last night.  The service
> > representative had told me that they think they fixed everything, but
> > he thought there seemed to be a lot of smoke coming from the exhaust.
> > wasn't sure if this was anything to get alarmed about, so he suggested
> that
> > I take the car for the weekend and call him on Monday about it.  On my
> drive
> > home I noticed that there seemed to be a huge amount of smoke coming
out -
> > with a weird smell too.  It doesn't smell like burning coolant or oil -
> but
> > it is definitely a new problem.  The other thing I noticed was that the
> oil
> > temp seems higher than usual.  Before it used to max out at about 200
> F
> > (as shown on the gauge) after a good bit of high speed driving.  Not it
> > shows 225 or so after only a relatively short trip.  Coolant temp maxes
> out
> > at the same point as before - directly halfway between C & H.  BTW -
> > speed still seems low.  Idle also seems slightly rough (could be my
> > imagination).
> >
> > Does anybody know what the cause of the smoke and/or increased oil temp
> > could be?
> >
> > TIA.
> >
> > -Mark Rice
> >
> >

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