New problems - A4 2.8 30V
Rob Andrews
randrews at
Sat Apr 13 12:56:27 EDT 2002
To fix idle problems....
Take off the throttle body itake boot and spray intake cleaner in the
throttle body and clean it out (wipe)
There is a TSB on this....
Once that is done, do a throttle body adapation with Vag-COm or the other
ignition ofn for 3 minutes trick.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> Behalf Of Stephen Kormilo
> Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 10:52 AM
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Re: New problems - A4 2.8 30V
> At 10:40 AM 13/04/02 -0400, ricematthews wrote:
> >From: "ricematthews" <ricematthews at>
> >To: <quattro at>
> >Subject: New problems - A4 2.8 30V
> >Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 09:40:53 -0400
> >
> >Time for an update......
> >The patient: '98 A4 Avant Quattro 2.8 30v
> >
> >The first issue was the timing belt/water pump (also
> thermostat, rollers &
> >serpentine belt). The dealer told me that
> >they recommend 60,000 miles for this service, even though
> the manual says
> >90,000. The car has about 74,000. When I took it in to the
> dealer to do
> >this work, I had a long list of potential warranty issues to
> have checked
> >out before my Audi Assured Warranty runs out in another
> 1,000 miles or so.
> >
> >Included in the list were leaks in several areas of the
> engine, in the rear
> >diff seals, and at the PS pump. Also low idle (about
> 650-700 rpm - slight
> >fluctuation - as shown on the tach)
> Idle fluctuation on these engines seems 'normal', i.e. 'they
> all do that'
> :-(. Occasionally, mine 'hiccups' lower, but eventually
> comes back. The
> 2.8 in in my son's 2001 A4 also exhibits an erratic idle.
> The idle speed
> in both of our cars is usually around half-way between the 600 and 800
> marks on the tach, i.e. around 700 rpm. Using VAG-COM not long ago, I
> logged idle speed at between 640 rpm and 680 rpm, mostly
> around the 680 rpm
> mark. When I was test driving, I noticed that the new 3.0
> engine idles
> higher, ~800 rpm IIRC
> >and a "rattling" noise on cold start up
> >(possible cam adjusters?).
> Aha, another one! I have posted about this before, welcome
> to the 'club',
> although I will be leaving it within the next month or so.
> Audi has twice
> replaced the cam chain tensioners, with redesigned ones, in
> my 2.8, but the
> noise still persists. So far the reports that I have been
> keeping track of
> indicate that the noise only occurs in '98 and early '99 2.8s, mostly
> '98s. My suspicion is that not only have the tensioners been
> redesigned,
> but also the heads, or there was an early production problem with the
> heads. Audi agreed to replace the heads in my A4 with new
> ones during the
> Arbitration Hearing I forced them into. I won't have the
> chance to verify
> that this solves the problem, since some $$$ incentives, combined with
> other factors, will see me in a new 2002 3.0 A4 some time next month.
> Do you know if the cam chain tensioners were replaced in your
> car when you
> had it in? Is the engine still making the cold start noises
> after being in
> the shop?
> >After 4 days in the shop, I got it back last night. The service
> >representative had told me that they think they fixed
> everything, but that
> >he thought there seemed to be a lot of smoke coming from the
> exhaust. He
> >wasn't sure if this was anything to get alarmed about, so he
> suggested that
> >I take the car for the weekend and call him on Monday about
> it. On my drive
> >home I noticed that there seemed to be a huge amount of
> smoke coming out -
> >with a weird smell too. It doesn't smell like burning
> coolant or oil - but
> >it is definitely a new problem. The other thing I noticed
> was that the oil
> >temp seems higher than usual. Before it used to max out at
> about 200 deg. F
> >(as shown on the gauge) after a good bit of high speed
> driving. Not it
> >shows 225 or so after only a relatively short trip. Coolant
> temp maxes out
> >at the same point as before - directly halfway between C & H.
> I have no insight here, except that it is not unusual for there to be
> unusual odours after a service, especially if the cam chain
> tensioners were
> replaced. Oil spills, cleaning fluid, etc. However, if this
> is coming out
> of the exhaust, when it wasn't before????? I can think of no logical
> reason for higher oil temps.
> >BTW - idle speed still seems low. Idle also seems slightly
> rough (could be my
> >imagination).
> Nope, see my comments above.
> >Does anybody know what the cause of the smoke and/or
> increased oil temp
> >could be?
> >
> >TIA.
> >
> >-Mark Rice
> Stephen Kormilo Silver '98.5 Audi A4 2.8QM
> Coming Soon :-) Silver 2002 Audi A4 3.0QM
> Instructor, Electronics Technology
> Red River College
> Winnipeg, MB
> email: skormilo at
> OR
> stephen at
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