4kq transmisson replacement

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Sat Apr 13 20:33:11 EDT 2002

>> 2. Any particular advice on what size and length extensions are
>> to do the job?
>All of them.  Actually, those aren't so bad, even wrenches will work I
>The downpipe nuts will require some tricky tool alignments though.

When I did mine, the best way I found to do downpipe nuts was to take an
impact swivel socket, and attach it to a 2' extension.  That way, you
can guide the socket up from near the transmission mounts to the
downpipe.  Spray on some penetrating oil before you start.  Mine took
all of 10 minutes to remove, but I was lucky.

>> 3. I also found some stuff about making sure the front of the engine
>> does not rock back and forth and to jack up the front of the engine
>> get the trans off. Any specific tips on how to do this?
>jack and wood block under something solid at the front of the engine.
>with the tranny "unmounted," the engine will tilt back.  The rack-tie
>rod bracket is also in the way and must be undone to move it.

Yup, that's the easiest way to do it.  If you are a sadist though, you
can also make a nice little tool to do it.  I took two pieces of wood
block, slotted them crosswise, and then set them on the lip inside of
the fenders.  Then ran a piece of angle iron between them, so it fit
into the slots in the wood.  Drill a hole in the angle, and run a piece
of allthread through it.  Run the allthread through the lifting tab on
the engine, and put a nut on there (you may have to bed the allthread
there.  Then, run a nut down the allthread, and use it to tighetn the
system up.  It will then pull the engine up, and hold it in the right
spot.  It's very similar to the tool that is shown in the bentley.
Huw's way is a ton easier though.

>You should at least get the Haynes, this is a bog job and a $20 manual
>is good insurance.  Perhaps you could borrow a Bentley too?

Yup, big job.  I did mine on a lift, with my father helping.  Took us 13
solid hours of work, with no breaks.  Long day.

Only problem with the Haynes is, it doesn't cover the quattro models, so
it won't have details on this swap.  I would try and find a bentley, or
see if someone will scan the pages you need in, and send them to you.

Good luck!
Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq
93' 90 CS
83' 944

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