other fuel line questions

Brandon Adams quattrorunner at lvcm.com
Mon Apr 15 23:50:43 EDT 2002

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My question is about the brass line that has flexable stainless mesh that i=
s from the aluminum hard lines on the 80/90q to the fuel distributor. I am =
trying to avoid designing a new line so that a hose shop can make it. I wou=
ld rather cut the brass line and also cut the aluminum other line so I can =
flair it and extend it so as to be able to turn the air box around. I plan =
to use high pressure fuel hose and clamps for the six or so inches that it =
takes to extend the lines. Does this make sence? Also, does it seem right? =
Will the brass even flair? I know that the factory never uses clamps but ar=
e they bad? Thanks, Brandon

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