>Subject: AC Recharge

Christopher Ritchie critchie1 at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 16 13:47:06 EDT 2002

>I have a '91 CQ AC that is definetly low on R12.
>Where are the common leak points for these systems for me to inspect?

Most common place to leak is the manifold on the compressor.  But look
everywhere.  A sniffer is best.

If you're going to fix the leak, you will lose the remaining R-12.  At that
point, you might consider converting to R-134a.  Depending on the extent of
your repair, you might be well along in the conversion process.  When you
compare the price delta of recharging with R-12 v. R-134a, you will have
another data point to help you in your decision.

The other alternative is not to fix the cause of the leak, and just top off
with R-12.

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