R12/R134A conversion

Eric_R_Kissell at email.whirlpool.com Eric_R_Kissell at email.whirlpool.com
Wed Apr 17 09:55:52 EDT 2002

For a "how to" see:


Eric Kissell
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Subject: R12/R134A  conversion
Author:  "Mark Woodland" <markwoodland at hotmail.com> at INTERNET
Date:    4/16/2002 2:27 PM

Does anyone have access to the definitive 134A conversion process, with
material list, step by step process, etc, in print?
My trip to the archives revealed more anecdotal evidence than How-To.
I replaced the seals and receiver/drier 3-4 years ago.
The clutch 2 years ago, then the compressor locked up last year.
Does it sound reasonable that I replace the compressor.. install the "almost
new" clutch", evacuate and recharge w/134A, or should I replace the "almost
new" (3-4 year old) drier also?
Many thanks,
Mark Woodland

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