I love my Valentine

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Wed Apr 17 21:42:26 EDT 2002

I was driving down a side street earlier today when my Valentine went off...
I saw one of those automated speed management things (You're going XX MPH)
and rather than ignoring the warning, I glanced over at the Valentine

2 sources, both ahead.

So I slow down to the speed limit (on a road that pretty much requires 10-15
over, particularly as it involves a beautiful approach to a roundabout that
acts as a nice chicane).

I crest a small rise, and what do I see in front of me, but an unmarked
police car sitting on the side of the road...the source of the second radar

If I had been running any other radar detector, I probably would have
crested that rise at 15 over.

I love my Valentine.

'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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