87 Coupe Q Parking brake not working

Piirainen Antti antti.piirainen at camline.fi
Thu Apr 18 10:21:18 EDT 2002

Duncan Thomson wrote:

> At 21:39 17/04/2002, Iain Atkinson wrote:
> >Listers,
> >
> >last night i put a new left rear caliper on my car to try
> >and get over the problem that i had with the previous caliper
> >(same thing no handbrake on this side). I fitted the caliper,
> >bled the line pressed the brake pedal a few times then fitted
> >the handbrake cable. Any ideas where i have gone wrong???
> Release the handbrake, and push and release the brake pedal about
> 50 million times (I think 50 is recommended..!), this lets it
> auto adjust...
> I find it tends to tighten up after the first couple of
> drives as well...
> I know I thought I'd screwed up the first couple of times...

Me too. I replaced both the real calipers three months ago, and after
bleeding, there was no parking brake till I pumped the pedal for ages. And
it still didn't settle well before I had used the brakes with the engine
running (ie. servo working) for a few times.

Then I just checked the adjustment like it's supposed to be done and
adjusted the cable with a racthet, an extension and a deep socket, since I
didn't feel like disconnecting the prop shaft :).

Antti Piirainen (87 CQ)
Software Engineer, Camline Corporation
antti.piirainen at camline.fi http://www.camline.fi/
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