engine alignment

Pat Korach tm2 at zipcon.net
Thu Apr 18 12:03:37 EDT 2002


I think you have to measure across from the center of the rear sub frame
bolts and not the tranny bolts.

Pat Korach
Kirkland, WA

auditude at get.net wrote:

> Mike Arman armanmik at n-jcenter.com wrote:
> >
> > On the type 44 engine alignment thread, if you change ONLY the engine
> > mounts or the tranny mounts, the set you did NOT disturb will keep
> > everything in alignment. If you change all four at once, then you'll need
> > to check and re-set the engine alignment. I seem to recall that once it is
> > in the correct position, you're supposed to torque the top motor mount
> > bolts with the engine idling.
> >
> > Check the Bentley to be sure.
> Hi Mike,
> I think that in my case, the motor/tranny might have been out
> of alignment (from its previous life with the PO) before I
> removed the tranny to do the clutch.
> This being the first time I've gone through that part of the
> car, I want to verify that it is aligned.
> I found that upon reinstalling the tranny onto the motor, the
> through-bolts that hold the tranny brackets to the mounts
> could only go through very crooked.  Then I noticed how the
> end of the tranny is noticeably too far to the left in the
> floor tunnel.
> I looked at the Bentley and saw the measurement for front to
> rear positioning.  I think I'll need to source a yardstick or
> similar to provide the reference to measure from, as it uses
> the distance from a straight line between the tranny mounts
> (IIRC, it could have been subframe mounts, but I don't think
> it was) to some feature on the tranny (like its end) as the
> spec.
> I suppose that the best method will be to loosen all the
> mounts, center the motor/tranny in the mounts and tunnel,
> tighten the rear tranny mounts, start the motor, and tighten
> the motor mounts while idling.  I don't remember if the front
> snubber stopper mount thingee is adjustable like on the type
> 85's, but if it is I suppose I would make sure it is low
> enough to prevent much engine rocking.
> I came across a thick metal bushing, gold in color, that I at
> first thought might be part of the tranny mount hardware.  I
> don't think it is tho'.  As I type this, I think it might
> belong as part of the exhaust or something.  I could have done
> more to keep track of where hardware and stuff went.  So far
> it's coming along ok, as the correct pieces and hardware gets
> put back on the car, the remaining parts start to thin out and
> make it easier to find the next piece.
> Thanks,
> Ken

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