Pics or Description of V8 Engine Mounting

Alexander van Gerbig Audi_80 at
Thu Apr 18 17:10:15 EDT 2002

    Howdy!  Does anyone have any pictures of the engine bay from a V8q with
the engine removed completely?  I would love to see how the engine mounts
up, a description may also work as well.  Does the engine mount to the
subframe or frame?

I have a very renewed interest in gather info for the V8 swap.  This is got
me a bit hot under the collar:

I'm not planning any Biturbo project, but mounting it up to a 5 cylinder
TYP89 is the first obstacle.  I have talked to the owner of that car several
times, but his English is broken and my German is horrendous.  From the
pictures is easy to tell he started with a 4 cylinder and not a 5 cylinder,
check that subframe.  According to him he needed custom brackets and engine
mounts, but this was to work with the 4 cylinder subframe and not the 5
cylinder frame based mounting.

This is virtual swapping, gotta do that before diving in head first.  I've
found A8 4.2 motors for around the same price and a little under the 3B and
AAN, getting more and more tempting for a swap in about a years time.


Alexander van Gerbig
'91 200q20v (Crunched)
'90 90q20v (Sport)
'88 80t (R.I.P)

The Audi  80 Pages---------

North Ferrisburg, VT 05473

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