Getting hotter (or getting closer to cold)

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Fri Apr 19 15:35:05 EDT 2002

At 11:49 AM 04/19/2002 -0400, David.Ullrich at wrote:

>The air gets "cool" on hot days and pretty cold in the mornings (but not
>frigid). How can I check the operation of the heater valve? What are your
>thoughts on that flap seal? I held a lit cigarette near the flap with the
>AC on, it still sucked the smoke in, so I know some warm air is getting
>in. How much? No clue. is it enough to cause the AC to be not so cold? Not
>sure, but I'll soon find out. Any thoughts on the seal? Use an Audi part
>or any weather seal tape?

You can check whether hot water gets past the heater valve by feeling the
return line from the heater core.  It should stay ambient air temperature
if the valve closes.

You probably can find an automotive self-stick foam seal of appropriate
density  at a FLAPS.  You don't want much warm air from outside going
through the A/C evaporator box.  It'll ice up faster and it reduces the
efficiency of the A/C itself.  All A/C systems are designed to work best
when they recool air already cooled.  When you add moist warm air you're
defeating the design.  You can unscrew the doors from the hinge arms so you
can wire brush off the crumbling old foam and glue on new.

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