Finally bought an S4!

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sat Apr 20 15:37:27 EDT 2002

At 12:19 PM -0500 4/20/02, Sue Kraft wrote:

>I finally bought an S4 (yesterday), but decided to go with
>an older one instead of new.

Ooooo.  She came over from the dark side :-)

>   (It is a 1994, black/black.)

Simply the best color choice one can make, but I'm biased, we have
two black/black cars in the family.  Only improvement you can make is
to go metallic black :-)

Pearl schmerl.
[hears rumbling of holy war starting in response to above comment :) ]

>   I have a lot
>of questions, but am wondering first if this is the proper list I should
>be subscribed to, or is there one more specific for the '92 -'94 S4?

There is an s-car specific group on Yahoo Groups, but requires all
sorts of sillyness(like signing up for a [free] Yahoo account,
dealing with Yahoo's absurd privacy policies and occasional privacy
preference "resets"), but it is more focused on the S-cars.  I
-think- you can browse their archives without signing up, so that
might be a good way to get a feel for things.  Again, not sure on
this one, but I think they have about the same traffic load.  A few
people have commented to me that attitudes are a little more immature
over there; seems to be common in any group with a lot of S4tt owners.

Still, I don't think you'll go too wrong here...among other things, a
number of people belong to both lists.  If curiosity has the better
of you, check out the archives for the S-car list and give it a shot.
I'd advise against giving an email address you don't want spam on,
however, at any point of the process.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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