this dern t44
Chander Balakrishnan
balakrishnan3 at
Sat Apr 20 19:08:58 EDT 2002
It was the coolant temp sensor in my car.
87 5kcsq
90 200 tqw
88 Jetta GL
93 Eurovan GL
-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Huw Powell
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 1:12 PM
To: Chris Dyer
Cc: quattro at
Subject: Re: this dern t44
> '87 5kcstq, getting 1.4 bar, runs great--unless it's idling.
> Won't hold idle when cold, after 60 sec. or so and it's fine. Trying new
> tomorrow morning, but also has cold idle problem
if it idles fine when warm, the ISV probably works
> (warm-up regulator?; coolant temp sensor?).
perhaps, either of those. If it starts ok and drives ok cold, though,
the WUR is probably fine.
a bad coolant temp sender can make your cold idle troublesome. could
also be a flaky idle switch.
> Now has new problem: when warm, come to stoplight, idle is now at 2000
maybe that ISV is sticking after all...
> Re-start is a temporary fix. So I'm also thinking idle screw coming
Stop thinking and start checking... is the idle screw loose? is it
sealed properly?
What does the coolant temp sender measure, cold and hot?
What condition are the electrical connections under the hood in?
Huw Powell
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