4kq - one dim headlight

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Mon Apr 22 11:45:32 EDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Sounds like your grounds are going bad (same exact symptoms, BTDT multiple
times), I usually just cut the brown wire at the headlight connector and
ground it to some metal close by.


In a message dated 4/22/2002 5:51:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
knotnook at traverse.com writes:

>  have a '85 4kq.  Three days ago i noticed that the headlights would
> >every now and then go dim real quick then get bright again.  Almost the
> >same as when the radiator fan kicks on, only they would go dimmer.  The
> >next day my drivers side headlight hardly works at all.  It is very very
> >dim on high beam and low beam.  The other headlight is fine.  The weird
> >part is that ever since it went dim the display light on the dash that
> >shows if the highbeams are on or not stays partially lit.  Meaning that
> >there is a little bit of power going through that little indication
> >light.  It looks normally lit up when the highbeams are on (but the one
> >headlight is still dim)
> >
> >The next day when i turned on the headlights again, they both worked
> >fine.  Three hours later, one is back to being dim.
> >
> >Does anyone know what the problem might be?  I havent really considered
> >something being wrong with the bulb because it doesnt seem like a bulb
> >problem. Could it be?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >   -Dan R.
> >
> >P.S.  The headlights are stock.
> --

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