drag strip prepping

Huw Powell human747 at attbi.com
Mon Apr 22 18:57:49 EDT 2002

> ill be making my way to the strip in a few days so i was wondering if
> there is anything i could do to get an edge on competition.  racing
> fuel?


> maybe taking te rear seats out could reduce weight... but is it worth
> the trouble?

How much drag racing are you planning on doing?  As Steve said,
"practice" a lot!

If your shifter is at all sloppy, replace the linkage rod, and shorten
the throw by modding the lever.

Weight reduction can be quick and dirty, like pulling the back seat, or
more extensive.

If you might race quite often, ditch the AC compressor.

Remove the exhaust system - maybe build a simple pipe to get it out the
side from the cat section (or downpipe if you unplug and remove the OXS
as well).  if you pull the OXS make sure the car is always running a bit
rich (how?  not sure... putting .6 volts at the OXS wire might do it,
but might mess it up, too...)

tires will matter a lot, I think.  I might make sense to have a set of
front tires on wheels dedicated to the strip - very sticky, very little
or no tread.  smaller diameter will get you more torque at the tread,
but might force a shift to third (can you do the 1/4 in second in a 90?
probably not...) or fourth.

remove the windsheild wipers, the trunk lid, the headlights, the grille,
the bumpers... well, maybe not he trunk lid - the wiring won't unplug
easily!  The power window motors.  if you have power seats, get a manual
seat to swap in and customize how it mounts to work in your car.

remove the air filter and put a screen mesh over the inlet pipe
(yikes!), the rearview mirrors (two bolts each and a plug), etc. etc...

But most important, practice.

> o yea... car is a 1988 Audi 90 FWD

Huw Powell



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