4Kq Callaway turbo kit (was European Car Magazine: Project Audi Coupe GT? (old))

Steven Sprague ssprague at nmgovlaw.com
Tue Apr 23 08:55:11 EDT 2002

Mihnea Cotet wrote:

> At 07:22 23/04/2002 -0400, David.Ullrich at ferguson.com wrote:
> >Does anybody know whether this kit is still in production? Or are there
> >any "kits" available that would work on my Coupe GT (2.3 NG engine)? I'd
> >rather not do a complete engine swap since Special Build Coupes are pretty
> >rare but I'd LOVE more power...
> IIRC it's been quite a while since Callaway discontinued it and apparently,
> there's no way for them to make any more of these kits. You can however
> contact Mike Gough (mdg3369 at mac.com) and ask him all the details about his
> Wannabe Callaway kit (you can also search the archives for "Wannabe
> Calloway kit" and find the thread that was discussed about a year ago)

    I know New Dimensions started building the "Callaway" kits for Golf/Jetta's
in the late 90's once they took over licensing.  I don't know if Javad knows if
they might have built an Audi version during this time.  It's something I'll
have to look back in European Car Mag.

My .02 non-turbo cents...

84 4kqs

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