Over tightened lug nut problem 90 sport 90 q

Huw Powell human747 at attbi.com
Thu Apr 25 01:41:47 EDT 2002

> Well nothing is ever easy, went to rotate my tires today and guess what one
> lug over tightened by the Audi dealer at last service.  Here's the problem.
> I used a pipe extended off the standard OEM lug wrench and it slips off
> stripping the nut.  I repositioned it and stripped it some more.  I know I
> know, should have known better but the situation exists.
> So help what do I do now.

Well, drilling it out might work, but you risk scarring your nice alloy

The best bet might be to weld (or get welded) a nice new, big, nut on
the lug bolt and then use that to turn it.  With a good socket, short
extension and breaker bar.

Huw Powell



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