Windshield scratches (removal)

rob hod rob3 at
Thu Apr 25 19:24:04 EDT 2002

    Now that we're getting a bit of sunlight in the UK, I'm beginning to get
annoyed by various imperfections in my windsheild.

    Years ago the received wisdom was that you got hold of something called
'Jewellers Rouge' and used this to polish out imperfections.

    Thing is I never tried to get hold of any, never tried it, and wonder if
there might be a better way of doing this these days?

    The imperfections are numerous,  but only very slight, as you would
expect after around 155K . I'm not expecting a miracle cure, but just
looking for something that I could do maybe even each time I wash the car,
that may gradually improve the situation.

    Anyone got a recommendation?



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