What kind of fuel mileage do you get?

Ero Rademer erademer at igd.fhg.de
Fri Apr 26 15:15:41 EDT 2002

For the statistics:

Audi 80 model 1993 (B4) quattro (torsen+manual lockable rear)
ABK engine (4cyl, 2.0l, 115hp), manual 5-sp transmission, A/C,
pre heater, engine rated for 95ROZ.
215000km (130000miles), noticeable oil consumption.

All numbers -- except otherwise noted -- are l/100km+MPG with
the car unloaded.

Condition                     Fuel         Winter        Summer
                         (European ROZ)  < +10degC     > +10degC
City only                       95        10.5/23        9.5/25
City only with pre-heater       95         9.5/25        9.0/27
Autobahn 110km/h steady         95         8.3/29        7.8/31
Autobahn 140km/h heavy traffic  95         8.5/28        8.0/30
Rural roads avg. 80km/h, curvy  95         7.9/31        7.5/32

Mixed (30% city, 50%Autobahn,   91         8.9/27        -
    20%rural)                   95         8.7/28        8.5/28
                                98         -             8.3/29
                                99         -             8.3/29

Alps, rural roads, 2500m N.N    95       >12.0/19        -
    ambient temp -15degC,
    snow packed roads, 50km/h
    4 passengers and luggage

Sweden, rural roads, no hills,  96        -              6.9/35
    no traffic 90km/h steady,
    ambient temp 21degC, with
    full luggage and roof rack

Sweden, same conditions         95        -              7.0/34
Sweden, same conditions         99        -              6.8/35

All numbers (and engine performance) were about 10% worse from
engine mileage 63000km (bought used) to 110000km (40000m-68000m).
This was the longest "run-in from PO" I'd ever had. Normally,
after not more than 10000km, my previous cars 'settled':)

Other cars ("Mixed" values):

A80 '79 1.6l, 55hp, 4cyl, 4sp manual, no PS, no AC
117000km (73000m):              91       >8.5/28        >7.8/31


T44 '82 1.8l, 75hp, 4cyl, 4sp manual, no PS, no AC,
390000km (240000m):             91        7.5/32         6.5/37

T44 '87 2.0l, 115hp 5cyl, 5sp manual, PS, no AC
350000km (218000m)              98        8.0/30         7.5/32

So long for that!

                                   /\/ \   .--.--.    \ /
                                   \___/  (_/^I^\_)  --O--
Ero Rademer                       - - - -  ,--I--.    ...
Fraunhofer Institut fuer                  /_ _ _ _\    .
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email: erademer at igd.fhg.de              email:     ero at rademer.de
http://www.igd.fhg.de/igd-a8            http://www.rademer.de/ero

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