Diesel Quattro hybrid update I

Brian Roth broth at sanjuan.edu
Fri Apr 26 10:59:46 EDT 2002

It seem that the info I was given about the 80/90 trannys accepting 4 cyl
engines was wrong. I went to the JY yesterday and I see no difference
between the 4000q bell pattern and the 80/90q bell pattern.

However, I took the thin plate that bolts between the engine and trans on a
4000 4 cyl and compared it to an engine/trans from a 5 cyl 5000 (or 100, I,m
not sure). Anyway, it looked to me like one engine bolt and one starter bolt
would line up. If so, I think making an adapter plate would be pretty easy.

I measured flywheels from both cars and they appeared to both be 11" (using
a tape measure).

I now have the following questions:

1. Does anyone know if the flywheels are indeed the same diameter for the 5
cyl and 4 cyl engines?

2. How about the teeth on the ring gear?

3. How about the flywheel offset?

4. Are the pilot bearing ID's the same on the 4's and 5's.

5. Here is the wierd one:

	Can you separate the tail section of a front wheel drive transaxle
and put a quattro tail section in its place? If so, It would be somewhat
easy to come up with a 4 cyl quattro transaxle.

Any and all help you can give me will be much appreciated.

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